D. Essential Nurture Sequence - A Writing Guide SKU: 178898

Craft an engaging, compelling, high-converting email welcome and nurture sequence with tried and true strategies used by a professional copywriter.


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Welcome and Engage your Audience in Style!

This 18-page writing guide will help you develop an engaging and compelling email nurture sequence designed to turn curious onlookers into raving client-baes. Inside this guide, you will find all the tools you need to craft a seven-day email nurture sequence for your new email list subscribers.

Included are:

  • An 18-point questionnaire to help you develop your thoughts
  • Popular Phrases and Word Alternatives Printable
  • Day-by-Day Writing Guide

You now have access to the exact same process I take my one-on-one copywriting clients through when handcrafting their email nurture sequences. All my secrets are laid out in the Essential Nurture Sequence - A Writing Guide.

Simply follow the steps and you'll be well on your way to cultivating an excited and captivated email community!

OMG! I love the DIY email writing guide. It’s perfect for any entrepreneur who is looking to increase revenue from their email list. I found the activities and instructions very helpful and clear. Gabriella also went above and beyond to provide me with editorial and content feedback. These additional editing services cost an extra fee, but it is worth the investment. - Brenda L.