E. Social Sales Bundle SKU: 199844

Social Sales Bundle

Turn curious onlookers into raving client-baes using expert-level writing strategies that have generated over $1mil in sales inside this easy-to-use DIY sales kit.



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Social Sales Bundle

Turn curious onlookers into raving client-baes using tried and true strategies inside this easy-to-use DIY sales kit.


Are you tired of…

Posting on social and getting crickets?

Spending hours writing your sales page and getting goose-egg sales?

Busting your butt to create offers nobody ever sees?

Failing to fill your programs with the right people?


If so, then the Social Sales Birthday Bundle is for you!


What is the Social Sales Bundle?

The Social Sales Bundle is a complete guide for attracting ideal clients, communicating clearly, and landing the sale, simply and easily. Plus, it’s easy to use, easy to understand, and easy to implement. Totally fool-proof, even for new entrepreneurs!


Imagine if you could…

Attract your ideal clients…

Improve the visibility of your business…

Craft compelling captions that convert…

Write a sales page using a fool-proof formula…

All without spending thousands of dollars on a coaching program! Wouldn’t you just swoon?!?


This is for you if you are…

An emerging service-based business owner looking to scale your business.

Tired of failing to attract the right clients through social media.

Currently writing your own content and experiencing low click rates, or worse…crickets.

Ready to experience more engagement, higher site visits, and increased conversions.


What’s Included:

Bangin’ IG Bios & Feed – A step-by-step guide to creating an IG profile that speaks to your ideal clients, builds relationships, and edutains.

Essential Social Media Captions Mini – Ten plug-n-chug social media caption templates in seven different categories, designed to engage and inform your audience.

Sales Page Template – My tried and true, plug and play sales page template is rooted in sales psychology and ready for all your high-ticket offerings.


I know you might be thinking…

This might not work for me. >> These are the exact same templates and captions I’ve used to help generate over $1million in sales for my one-on-one writing clients.

It’s only $21, it must not be valuable. >> The crazy low price tag is just a fraction of its value and, because we're using real sales psychology, your ROI is basically guaranteed!

My business doesn’t need ideal clients or financial growth. >> Say what?!?! Go home…you’re drunk!


So, how can you get all this goodness, right freakin’ now?!?

Scroll back up to the top and add the Social Sales Bundle to your cart, sis!